Friday, May 15, 2009

Kunlun Qi Gong Meet Up

5/13/09’s practice is at the (San Dequito County) park nearby my house. That’s the top reason I jumped for it without hesitation. Another reason is that it’s an outdoor practice so it’s going to be in tune with the nature. That’s what I believe the Qi Gong’s all about. The park is a beautiful place, full of green lawn, large trees, and wild habitat. This is the first time the group come to this place, so some people were amazed at the beauty of the place. I was the newbie to the group and Kunlun Qi Gong. The group is very warm & friendly. I like them immediately. The instructor, Rachael, is very personable. She is a young lady, probably is not older than 30 years old, but her energy is very pleasant & soothing. It turned out she is an energy and sound healer. I don't know anything about Kulun qi gong, Rachael gave me Max, the founder's, website, to check out. I also found a blog/discussion area, for Max' practice and tao in general. We did standing qi gong, mostly in tree posts, I believe she called it I-Chong, I particularly like the the drangon hands position that I felt qi going thru my arms, my body and my legs. This is the first time I have that feeling. I am very excited to find this group.

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