Monday, June 22, 2009

Pleasant Surprise 2

Looking at the picture, you probably won't believe if I tell you that I am a plant killer. I lost count how many plants I have killed. But there are a lot of them survived my abuse as well. I have plants 20 something years old. I often think people raise kid, I raise plants. It's no difference from having pets or kids, take care of plants are as much work. I like blue Hydrangea. But our water and soil are alkaline, so the bluest Hydrangea will quickly become pink. As usual, I kill Hydrangea for it take a little more water than I care to give it. I bought a new plant last year while it's blooming. I put it in a sunny place and quickly found I was fighting a losing battle for the flowers and leaves are quickly drying. One day I came home and found gardener trimed all the leaves and flowers off. I almost died of heart attack and I believed the gardener speeded up the death of my plant. This spring, I found leaves start to sprout, I decided to move the plant to a place that has a little less sun and give it a thorough watering once a while. The plant took off from there and flowers are so beautiful that I want to look at it again and again. I don't mind the pink Hydrangea any more.

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