Saturday, June 13, 2009

Tao Te Ching, Verse #2


People in the world know why beauty is beauty, it is because there is ugliness. And why goodness is good is because there is evil. When explain something, people have to refer to nothing for contrast. Both are like borne from each other. Same for difficult & easy, they complement each other. Long & short, they follow each otehr. High & low, they fulfil each other. voice & sound, they harmonize each other. Front & back, they folow each other.
Therefore, sage handles things without a motive or urges to compete. teaches not with language but encouraging looking inwardly. (Because) Everything works in tendem without execuses of not working, delivers thing without being arrogant, accomplishes things without taking credit. Because not taking credit, therefore, the effect & contribution are long lasting.

Philosophically, I learned:

1. Look beyong impression, see the world the way it is, neither beautiful nor ugly, neither good nor evil. Those are the names we created.

2. Look inward for the universe you want to learn.

3. Take no credit for accomplishment. Be humble.

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