Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hello Yoga, Long Time No Practice

It must be about 20 years that I haven't practiced Yoga. Yoga used to be my favorite exercise. But I was too lazy to leave the house to take courses, so I practiced Yoga at home alone for a while when I was 30 lbs lighter. I like Yoga because it sculpts and tones muscles and is relaxing. I used to be able to stand on my head, to stand with one leg for a length of time and my flexibility was not amazing but was not laughable either. All of those seem to be distant memory. For all these years, I have not had any desire to pick it back up, just like my plants, I forgot about it. What a shame.
It just happened a colleague at work decided to teach Yoga class one day a week right after work in the office' lunch room. It could not be more perfect for a lazy person like me. Since I haven't practiced for a long time, I was not sure if I still like Yoga so I went for a trial without much preparation, i.e., literally I just showed up. Another co-worker lent me a mat, I joined the practice in my work clothes. My memory must not be good for I remembered my group Yoga experience before was mostly lying on the back doing breathing exercise so I don't expect to sweat a drop.
To my surprise, the exercise is strenuous, not a piece of cake as I remembered. I kept thinking I must be getting old for towards the end I was sweating like a pig. This is a totally different experience. But seems the old familarity is coming back, I felt good about the practice although my balance is off at one point. That was when we were doing a posture that we had to turn body to one side with one arm in the air and the other arm on the floor. When we changed to do the other arm, I kept thinking to move my arm back a little bit in order to keep my body straight, then just a little too much to the back I fell to my back. That was amusing to me. I understand Brain is probably playing a trick on me on the balancing act. No harm at all.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Pleasant Surprise 2

Looking at the picture, you probably won't believe if I tell you that I am a plant killer. I lost count how many plants I have killed. But there are a lot of them survived my abuse as well. I have plants 20 something years old. I often think people raise kid, I raise plants. It's no difference from having pets or kids, take care of plants are as much work. I like blue Hydrangea. But our water and soil are alkaline, so the bluest Hydrangea will quickly become pink. As usual, I kill Hydrangea for it take a little more water than I care to give it. I bought a new plant last year while it's blooming. I put it in a sunny place and quickly found I was fighting a losing battle for the flowers and leaves are quickly drying. One day I came home and found gardener trimed all the leaves and flowers off. I almost died of heart attack and I believed the gardener speeded up the death of my plant. This spring, I found leaves start to sprout, I decided to move the plant to a place that has a little less sun and give it a thorough watering once a while. The plant took off from there and flowers are so beautiful that I want to look at it again and again. I don't mind the pink Hydrangea any more.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Tao Te Ching, Verse #3


Not to idolize persons' intellect and ability, there will be no competition.
Not to treasure hard to get items, there will be no stealing.
Not to lure with desirables, there will not be disturbance to peace in mind.
Therefore, sage manages by encouraging people to be humble, to focus their efforts on working hard to put food in their stomachs, to reduce their ambitions and to strengthen their health. He often teaches people to get rid of worries by choosing not to know and to avoid to have desires. So the intelligent people would not dare to show off and cause chaos in society. Because there is no competition, no stealing and no disturbance to peace in mind, there will be peace.

Philosophically, I learned:

1. Not to be arrogant because you are intelligent. Not to think you are smarter than other people.

2. Minimize desires to reduce temptation to do bad things.

Tao Te Ching, Verse #2


People in the world know why beauty is beauty, it is because there is ugliness. And why goodness is good is because there is evil. When explain something, people have to refer to nothing for contrast. Both are like borne from each other. Same for difficult & easy, they complement each other. Long & short, they follow each otehr. High & low, they fulfil each other. voice & sound, they harmonize each other. Front & back, they folow each other.
Therefore, sage handles things without a motive or urges to compete. teaches not with language but encouraging looking inwardly. (Because) Everything works in tendem without execuses of not working, delivers thing without being arrogant, accomplishes things without taking credit. Because not taking credit, therefore, the effect & contribution are long lasting.

Philosophically, I learned:

1. Look beyong impression, see the world the way it is, neither beautiful nor ugly, neither good nor evil. Those are the names we created.

2. Look inward for the universe you want to learn.

3. Take no credit for accomplishment. Be humble.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Tao Te Ching, Verse #1

道 可 道 , 非 常 道 。
名 可 名 , 非 常 名 。
無 名 天 地 之 始 ﹔ 有 名 萬 物 之 母
故 常 無 欲 以 觀 其 妙 ﹔
常 有 欲 以 觀 其 徼 。
此 兩 者 , 同 出 而 異 名 , 同 謂 之 玄 。
玄 之 又 玄 , 眾 妙 之 門 。

Although I am a Chinese descent, and was brought up in Chinese culture, I swear we did not learn much about Tao Te Ching in school. My friend, Helen, and her hubsband, Michael, were talking about it and we went together to Dr. Wayne Dyer's speech a couple weeks ago that Dr. Dyer talked about Tao Te Ching and his book " Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life". Some of his messages sounded interesting, that's the reason I decided to learn more about it. Of course, first thing I did was purchasing Dr. Dyer's book "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life". However, I only used it as the introduction to each verse and I read some Tao Te Ching commentaries on line and come to my own understanding.

The way of life that can be spoken of is not the constant way.
(Because in life, nothing stays constant)
The name that can be named is not the constant name.
The nameless was the beginning of universe.
The named was the mother of all things.
Hence always rid yourself of desires in order to observe the beauty of life.
(Desireless, to understand life.)
But always allow yourself to have desires in order to observe the happenings in life.
(Desiring, to enjoy life)
These two are the same
(Both named & nameless are life, are the same)
They are diverged in name, however, came from the same source.
Being the same, they are called mysterious.
(Not only nameless is mysterious, but also the named is not completely understood.)
Mystery upon mystery
(There are a lot of things in the universe we stil don't understand. However, understand the more you explore it, the more it's unknown)
But it opens up the doorway to all beauties in life.

Philosophically I learned from this verse:

1. Nothing is constant, so don't try to hold on to anything, including your life, health, fame, wealth, happiness, success... etc. So, live in today, enjoy present time.

2. To balance the wanting and let go. Wanting is desiring and let go is desireless. Want what you want, but accept what the outcome is.

3. Don't be discouraged that you probably would never totally understand life. But exploring mysteries, in both material and spiritual aspects of life, will lead you to the doorway of seeing all beauties.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Kunlun Qi Gong Meet Up

5/13/09’s practice is at the (San Dequito County) park nearby my house. That’s the top reason I jumped for it without hesitation. Another reason is that it’s an outdoor practice so it’s going to be in tune with the nature. That’s what I believe the Qi Gong’s all about. The park is a beautiful place, full of green lawn, large trees, and wild habitat. This is the first time the group come to this place, so some people were amazed at the beauty of the place. I was the newbie to the group and Kunlun Qi Gong. The group is very warm & friendly. I like them immediately. The instructor, Rachael, is very personable. She is a young lady, probably is not older than 30 years old, but her energy is very pleasant & soothing. It turned out she is an energy and sound healer. I don't know anything about Kulun qi gong, Rachael gave me Max, the founder's, website, to check out. I also found a blog/discussion area, for Max' practice and tao in general. We did standing qi gong, mostly in tree posts, I believe she called it I-Chong, I particularly like the the drangon hands position that I felt qi going thru my arms, my body and my legs. This is the first time I have that feeling. I am very excited to find this group.